SAY GAY PLAYS are royalty-free short plays (ten minutes or less) written by established and emerging queer playwrights in support of LGBTQ+ equality. The plays are meant to be used as tools to highlight issues, spark discussion and fundraise on behalf of LGBTQ organizations.


What does “royalty-free” mean?

Royalty free means that all of the plays in the SAY GAY PLAYS portfolio are available for limited use without having to secure other permissions from publishers and agents. We’ve already taken care of that part so you are free to focus on making theater! There are no fees, and no further payment is required as long as you present the plays as outlined in the agreement.


How can I read the plays?

There is a brief synopsis and character breakdown on the website here. In order to receive copies of the full plays, you must first fill out an application.


Can these plays be performed as staged readings?

Yes, absolutely. You can also feel free to do more fully-realized productions of the plays. Whatever works best for your organization.


Do we have to use the plays as a fundraising event? What if we just want to perform them?

While the plays are intended to be used as a fundraising tool, that can take many different shapes. Our priority is sharing these stories as widely as possible. We always encourage groups to challenge themselves and set up an actionable item with the presentation of the plays.


Who can perform SAY GAY PLAYS?

The plays on offer in the SAY GAY PLAYS portfolio are available to all not-for-profit theaters, community-based organizations, colleges and universities.


Why do we have to fill out an application?

Part of our mission is being able to track the impact we are having collectively. By filling out an application you are letting us know about your organization; when, where and why you are performing SAY GAY PLAYS; and how much money (if any) you plan to raise on behalf of LGBTQ+ organizations. This helps build the movement and demonstrate support for LGBTQ+ rights nationally.


We are a college theater group? Can we perform SAY GAY PLAYS to benefit our campus LGBTQ club?

Absolutely! That would be a great use of the plays! Fill out a form to get started.


We are a high school theater group. Can we perform SAY GAY PLAYS?

High school groups are allowed to produce their own SGP events. However, we cannot offer promotional materials for educational groups under university level at this time. We encourage the usage of these plays as a tool for education for all.


How much can we charge for tickets?

That’s entirely up to you. If you are doing a fundraising event for an LGBTQ+ organization in your community, think about how much you would like to raise on their behalf. You will probably have some expenses related to production, while the rest can go to your benefit organization. Remember, it’s all for charity! Encourage your audience to support the cause with their admission.


Are tickets tax deductible for patrons?

It depends. If the producing organization is a not-for-profit, then any amount over the “fair market value” price of the ticket would be considered tax deductible for the patron. Always check with a tax professional to determine deductibility.


Do we have to present all ten plays?

No! Pick and choose the plays that are right for your audience. We encourage you to push the boundaries a bit. Consider adding one or two pieces your audience may find challenging, or that will spark some interesting conversation.


We have a local LGBTQ+ writer that we’d like to include. Can we do that?

Sure! You can choose a number of plays from our portfolio and add a play or two from your community. We would just like to know about it. Please email us so we can discuss.


Are there open submissions for playwrights?

Not yet. For this inaugural round we have specifically commissioned this group of playwrights. We may open SAY GAY PLAYS up to submissions in coming months, however, so please check back.


We are a theater collective. Must we be a not-for-profit to participate?

Not necessarily. If you have 501(c)(3) status under an umbrella organization, just send us a letter stating your status. Please note, however, SAY GAY PLAYS are not intended for use by commercial theaters and producers.


Does the benefitting organization need to be a not-for-profit?

Ideally, yes. The organization you are fundraising for should be a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. You can check the status of any organization using this lookup tool on the IRS website. If, however, you are a college theater raising funds on behalf of a campus organization, then not-for-profit status is not required.


What supporting materials can you offer us?

After the initial application is approved you will be sent the scripts and a licensing agreement to sign and send back. Once the agreement is signed you will receive an official SGP toolkit that includes 1) the plays; 2) SGP logos/advertising materials; 3) a sample press release; 4) guidelines for facilitating a post-show discussion 5) resources for creating safe queer spaces 6) final report... and more!


Do we have to file a final report?

Yes. As part of the signed agreement we ask you to fill out a final report to us no later than 30 days after your SAY GAY PLAYS performance or event. There will be a google form in your packet. We will also send a PDF if the google form does not work.


Why do we have to file a final report?

SAY GAY PLAYS is all about measuring impact! We are coming together as a community to combat anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry and hatred. Our unity is our power! Put yourself on the map, and together we will show the world we stand together against hate.